This rug is made from selvedges from a wool mill.
It is about 22" x 40", the technique used is called "twining"
or "Indian tie-weaving" where each stitch is individually tied
to the cloth warp that becomes completely hidden by the tying of
the weft around it. It was made on a home-made vertical loom
from 2x4s and 2x2s set on a base frame that swivels to
accommodate working on your lap. These rugs gets lots of
"oohs and aahs" because they are so cushy to touch and stand on!
by Dianne Rehman

Navajo Rug
I wove this rug on my home made upright Navajo loom.
It is 6' X 4' in size. My instructor is a Navajo lady named
Mary Banovic of Fruitland, NM. This rug took 1st place
and Best of Show at the San Juan County Fair in
Farmington, NM this past August.
by Ben Johnson

Little Wool Co. Half-bred, colors Dawn plied with Sunset.
2-ply spun worsted. Dk weight.
The Sunset has some lurex blended in which
adds just a bit of sparkle.
by Jocelyn

The picture is of a skein of rainbow dyed wool. Tops were
rainbow dyed and then spun.
by Piet

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