Sectional beam or not?

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Posted by Gail Coopersmith on Monday, 30 September 2002, at 2:30 p.m.:

15 years ago I owned and like an idiot, sold my Harrisville 36" 4H. I've decided to jump back into weaving in a big way, and will be purchasing a Glimakra countermarch. Admittedly this loom is an order of magnitude greater that anything I've ever woven on, but I wanted to buy a loom to interest me for a lifetime, and this sounds right. Here's the dilemma. I will be starting with smaller projects, then growing to bigger, more complex projects as my skills improve. Should I start with a sectional beam and just learn that along with everything else new I'm learning, or should I go easy and get a plain beam? What will be easier and more fun for all kinds of projects? I do like things to be technically as good as I can get them. Any advice and comments are greatly appreciated!

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