Re: Woolee Winder

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Posted by robin on Wednesday, 16 March 2005, at 1:02 p.m.:

In Reply to: Woolee Winder posted by Linda on Tuesday, 15 March 2005, at 8:50 p.m.:

Dear Spinner, Have you ever tried out or seen a woolee winder in person? I tried an electric spinner out for a few days recently that had one on it and right away I was disappointed,just by the sight of it, let alone using it. It has a long slot running along one of the flyer arms that has this little guide loop coming out that is connected to this rather delicate coiled spring innards. This crevice has to have oil fed into it to keep it running smoothly and of course this gaping oily chasm is going to collect all manner of fiber dust and need periodic cleaning. Instructions for the woolee winder tell you that all these tiny pieces that you are faced with when taking apart the contraption are to be handled with care. A couple of miniscule almost microscopic tools are included to perform the necessary disassembling. Then you gotta clean it up, put it back together, and not to mention, how do you decide when it's time to take care of this task? When it starts to screw up? Right before you think it might screw up? And all this just to save yourself the horribly frightful operation of momentarily stopping your spinning in order to move the yarn over a hook. Sure, you end up with a very nicely evenly tightly wound bobbin, but unless this is your ultimate end product then I'd say you have just blown $170.00 on something you don't need, that doesn't save any time, and that has not the greatest workmanship, silly plastic gears that can break, an orifice that you need to fashion a hook from a jumbo paper clip because no other hook you have will work and it doesn't come with one. This thing is a hype. Skip it. There, I got that off my chest!

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