Need advice on transferring fine reeled silk

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Posted by Deb Meteney on Saturday, 15 January 2005, at 10:40 a.m.:

I have several skeins of georgous incredibly fine black reeled silk! I am having trouble transferring it onto cones for weaving. (I am using it for weft only.) I have a electric cone winder but the silk is so very fine that it breaks coming off the swift. It's also single ply so it's a little sticky. Right now I am manually winding it onto a ball winder but I would much rather have it on cones since the silk transferrs much better to bobbins from a cone. Also it is so fine that it takes forever to transferr a skein manually. Any suggestions? Are there any winders that are better for fine silks? Is there some trick to doing this for the handweaver?

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