Re: need info about loom in photos

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Posted by kathryn on Sunday, 2 January 2005, at 7:30 a.m.:

In Reply to: need info about loom in photos posted by Karl on Tuesday, 28 December 2004, at 12:21 a.m.:

Greetings Karl!
Your loom is a four harness,jack loom. I cannot tell the weaving width, which is measured side-to-side, but it looks like a 36". Certainly it isn't more than that and could possibly be 24 but I doubt it.
If you look closely, you will find a letter and a number on the loom. Usually on the side upright pieces. Harrisville numbers all of their looms. Once you find the number....something like B136(just an example) you can call Harrisville and find out exactly when it was made,and if you need any replacement parts, find out if they still carry them for that model.
Generally , once cleaned up your loom should be worth about $400-500. It could be hard to get that though unless you are willing to wait. It depends on where you live,whether or not someone has to pick the loom up or you'll ship it, and how badly you want it out of your space.
There are several sites that you can list the loom for sale which helps....Spinners and Weavers Housecleaning pages is one, here is another, Fireside Fiber Arts, Homestead Weavers are just a few. All charge a slight fee for the service but you get directly to weavers.
Also try to locate any weaving/spinning quilds in your area, selling it locally would be a blessing both to you and perhaps and up and coming weaver looking for a nice little loom. Bear in mind, the loom needs to be sold in as-is condition. I couldnt tell from the photo if it is missing anything or if anything needs repair, but if that is the case you should mention that, definately.
Good luck,

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