Erica Rigid Heddle Loom-Assembling, Warping, Using

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Posted by Elisabeth Tripp on Sunday, 12 December 2004, at 5:41 p.m.:

Hi everyone, I'm new to weaving. I recently bought an Erica 25" rigid heddle table loom on eBay (for $26), and it has no instructions. My other loom, purchased about 6 months ago, is a Milton Bradley wooden toy loom, also a rigid heddle, about 12" wide, which I like a lot (I got that one for $5.50 on eBay!). I've had some trouble on the Milton Bradley with keeping my warps from sagging, and warping it in general, even though it has instructions, well, on the inside box lid. The little MB has no teeth or anything to attach the threads to the warp bar, so they have to be tied on with a lark's head knot. On the ones that got too long, I taped them down on the warp bar with masking tape, which sort of worked. I don't see any Erica instructions on the buy-a-loom-instruction-book website (forgot the name!), and the only reference I found here didn't have a lot of good stuff to say about the Erica. Does anyone have one? Do you like working with it? Would anyone sell me a copy of their instruction book? I live about 90 miles north of Tampa, Florida, also 90 miles east of Orlando. Thanks in advance!

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